월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | 일 |
09:00 - 17:00 | 09:00 - 17:00 | 09:00 - 17:00 | 09:00 - 17:00 | 09:00 - 17:00 | X | X |
다양한 분리모드로 넓은 분석 영역(pH 0-14)과 다양한 검출기 및 컬럼 사용으로 수질 및 대기 중에 있는 무기음이온들, 무기양이온 뿐만 아니라 ICP/Mass 와 연결하여 원자가 별 크름, 비소등 다양하게 정성, 정량 분석할 수 있다.
1. Gradient Pump with Vacuum degas.
1) Construction ; Chemically inert, metal-free PEEK pump heads and flow paths are compatible with all aqueous eluent of pH0-14 and reversed phase solvents.
2) Type : Serial dual piston pump, constant stroke.
3) Control mode : Remote by software through USB
4) Flow Rate Range : 0.001-10.0ml/min with settable flow increments at 0.001ml/min or wider.
5) Flow Accuracy : ±0.1% or better
6) Flow Precision : ±0.1% or better
7) Pressure Range : 50-5000psi or wider.
8) Leak Detection : Optical sensor
2. Detector/Chromatography Module.
1) Dual temperature model : upper and lower sections are independently
(1) Upper section Temperature range : 10 to 40℃ in 0.1℃ increments or wider
(2) Lower section temperature range : 10 to 70℃ in 0.1℃ increments or wider
(3) Temperature performance
- Temperature Accuracy : ±0.5℃ or better.
- Temperature Stability : ±0.2℃ or better.
- Temperature Precision : ±0.2℃ or better.
2) Lower Zone(Analytical)
(1) High pressure valve type : 6-port PEEK valve / 10-port PEEK valve
(2) Column capacity : two column sets 1-9mm.
(3) Max column length : 250mm
(4) Precolumn heat exchangers : capacity to house two.
3) Control : Chromeleon software through USB
3. Autosampler.
1) Sample delivery method
: Positive displacement against back pressures of up to 600 KPa(100psi)
2) Capacity : 50 Polyvials (5mL, 0.5mL, Combination) or more
3) Vial size : 5mL, 0.5mL or 1mL
4) Sample vial : 50ea or more
5) Filter pore size : 20㎛ & 0.45㎛
6) Minimum volume delivery : 0.1mL to 5mL in 0.1mL increment or less
7) External control : USB, TTL relay, IEEE-488
8) Injection per vial : Multiple injection
4. Conductivity Detector.
1) Type : Microprocessor-controlled digital signal processor.
2) Cell Drive : 8 kHz square wave.
3) Linearity : 1% at 1,000 uS or better.
4) Resolution : 0.00238 nS/cm or better.
5) Full-Scale Output Ranges : Digital single range 0-15,000 μS, Analog signal range 0-15,000 μS.
6) Noise : [0.1nS at 1uS/cm background or less.
7) Filter : Rinse times from 0 to 10sec, user selectable.
8) Temperature Compensation : 1℃ Fixed at 1.7%
9) Temperature Range : Ambient +7℃ to 55℃ or wider.
10)Temperature Stability : ≤0.001℃ or less.
11)Cell body : Chemically inert polymeric material.
12)Cell Volume : 0.7μL(Analytical) / 0.02μL(Capillary)
13)Heater Exchanger : Low dispersion.
14)Maximum Cell Operating Pressure : 1500psi
5. Workstation Data System
1) Security : The Windows administrator can now use the access control system of operating system to
positively guarantee that nobody has any possibility of gaining direct access to data source contents.
2) System Wellness Trend Plots : User can quickly view trend plots of IC System Wellness parameters.
3) Application Templates : Application Templates will automatically create and select the appropriate
control program, quantitation method, and software control panel for your new sequence.
4) Void Volume Treatment : Integration of peaks adjacent to a void dip.
5) Multitasking : Virtually unlimited number of simultaneous processes; simultaneous operation of
almost all popular external applications.
6) Operating Platform : Windows Vista, Windows XP, Winow 7.0
표시되지 않은 시료전처리, 재료비 및 분석결과의 특별한 해석을 의뢰할 경우에 별도로 요금을 산정함
구분 | 항목 | 단위 | 외부 | 교내 | 가족회사 | 성의교정 | 비고 |
분석의뢰 |
분석료 | 샘플 | 25,000 | ||||
전처리 | 샘플 | 60,000 | |||||
직접사용 |
분석료 | 샘플 | 25,000 | 10,000 | |||
전처리 | 샘플 | 60,000 |